Thursday, November 15, 2007

Brian Nicholson's visit

For the last two days, we had Brian Nicholson from Manchester Business School as guest. We all knew Brian Nicholson as one of the outstanding names in the GSD field and author of the well-known Global IT Outsourcing book. But it was captivating to meet him in person and to have the chance to discuss our work with him! During the first part of Wednesday, we invited Brian to the Interaction Design Centre and spoke to him about the GSD research going on within Lero.

As the new Living Bridge was just opened the week before and we had a mild autumn day, we invited Brian for a walk over the bridge. The picture was taken in front of the Health Sciences building on the Clare side of the campus!

In the afternoon, Brian visited Lero and gave a talk titled "Embedded Knowledge and Offshore Software Development".
A recording of the talk is available here, thanks to Gerard Mulligan and the technical team at Lero.

This morning we had the chance to discuss our work with Brian in more detail. The interest he showed in our studies was for us a sign that we're on the right track, and the suggestions he made helped us to see new opportunities and new directions.

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